Why support us?
For over 40 years, the Stroke Foundation has been here to save lives through stroke recovery and prevention in Aotearoa.
With 85% of the Stroke Foundation's services funded by individual donors, corporates, bequests and fundraising campaigns such as Beanie Up, we need your support this year as we are battling a growing tidal wave of strokes!
Just last year, 9,500 strokes were experienced in New Zealand, with that number set to rise by 40% before the end of this decade. We supported 3000 stroke survivors and their whānau through our life after stroke services, with over 200 hours per week of community outreach services.
When people ‘Beanie Up’ with us, they aren't simply raising vital funds for the Foundation, they are also helping raise awareness about New Zealand's single biggest cause of serious adult disability.
This year charities are coming together to make an even bigger difference!
Buy a beanie and help thousands of Kiwi families and children keep warm this Winter by donating it to Wellington City Mission, Caring Families Aotearoa, Nurturing Families or the Stroke Foundation NZ.
From the entire team at the Stroke Foundation, and our Beanie Up charity partners - thank you for all your support.