Wellington City Mission
Wellington City Mission provides a range of services to support and empower the people and families during tough times. This includes housing, food support through their social supermarket, financial mentoring, and social work support, daily meals, and activities.
Wellington City Mission will be distributing donated beanies to residents in their housing facilities, to their clients, and to manuhiri who visit Tā Te Manawa (their community lounge). They will also be keeping a few in Tā Te Manawa for manuhiri to access when they visit.
Every beanie purchased supports stroke-related services nationwide, while every beanie purchased for the Wellington City Mission will bring warmth and hope directly to children and families this winter.

"We are thrilled to join forces with the Stroke Foundation NZ for the Beanie Up project. Together, we are not only raising awareness but also making a tangible difference in our communities. It's a collaboration fuelled by compassion and commitment, spreading warmth one beanie at a time!"
- Sharon Cavill, GM Fundraising, Communications and relationships